Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thing #3 (reflections on blogging & avatars)

I’m not very impressed with this feature, and quite possibly it’s because I’m not fully aware of what can be done with avatars.

Also, I’m not much into playing with dolls, real or virtual, so it could just be my idiosyncrasy. In any case, I have to admit that I didn't spend too much time creating my avatar.


  1. It took me FOREVER to add my avatar to my blog! I will probably have to buy a wig now that I've pulled practically all of the hair from my head.

  2. there are several reasons for avatars...identity on the web is one and the playfulness of them is another! You will find other reasons as time goes one.

    It is a part of 23 things in that it is basic skill to add a file...be it picture, text or html...to a blog!

    we need to be sure you understand the process so if it continues to be a problem, make some time and let's have a little session.

  3. I orignally felt the same way about the avatar. Then I made one. It was so much fun. I have also made another one for myself and for two of my friends. It was fun trying to make one to fit their look and personality. They were impressed how well I know them.
